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Bravo Rewards And Recognition Programs For Employees

Employers need to make the employees feel appreciated and motivated by initiatives like bravo rewards and recognition programs. Thus, employers should significantly increase the ways to recognize employees for their hard work and achievements. Acknowledgment from peer to peer can substantially impact and go a long way in defining employee productivity and morale.

This blog discusses the benefits and approaches to a bravo rewards program.

Approaches To Bravo Rewards & Recognition

Bravo employee recognition allows organizations to recognize their employees systematically. Such initiatives benefit the employees as well as the employers in the longer run. Following are a few approaches to how to go about rewarding your loyal workforce.

  • Highlighting individual achievements

  • Showcase the recognition winners on the company newsfeed

  • Introduce vouchers as monetary rewards

  • Introduce other employee reward initiatives like, ‘finish early today,’ ‘‘order a takeaway and ‘have a lie-in etc.

  • Gather all the employees and brief them about the company’s actual goals and targets in the coming years and how they need to team up

  • Launch and give away your merchandise to your employees

Do Employee Reward & Recognition Programs Work?

Businesses need to realize the importance of highlighting individual achievements from peer to peer. Employers need to introduce such company values where employees can appreciate and encourage others, primarily when one of the employees performs extraordinarily.

Company budgets must be designed to incentivize standout efforts and special days like employee birthdays and long service anniversaries. Employee recognition is usually monitored by administrators where they assess which employees are most active in motivating other team members.

Benefits Of Providing A Bravo Rewards & Recognition Program?

The biggest challenge that companies are facing these days is employee engagement and attracting new talent. Both of these problems can be resolved by implementing a bravo rewards program. Such initiatives can reduce employee turnover by increasing employee satisfaction.

Studies suggest that bravo employee recognition results in more active employees seeking opportunities to create a productive and welcoming workplace by rewarding each other. A round-up email is sent to all employees containing activity updates from the previous month by the end of each month. The idea is to encourage the employees towards efficient use of the platform and think proactively about encouraging your fellow employees.


Bravo rewards and recognition provide a wide range of benefits to help employers in rewarding their employees. This makes the employees feel valued at their workplace and keeps them motivated for better performances. With time, more and more companies are investing in employee recognition initiatives to protect, engage and reward their workforce.

If you believe in rewarding your employees for your company’s success, head to our website, and help us make employee recognition a part of your everyday culture. Our goal is to implement a customized bravo rewards program that best matches your company's core values and employee needs.

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