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Designing And Managing Incentive Program For Employees

Top organizations are always looking for incentive programs to improve employee productivity, engagement, retention, and branding. Incentive program for employees is mainly based on the notion that rewards motivate people to act in a certain way. Incentive programs help managers encourage staff to achieve their monthly or longer run goals in the corporate world.

Designing Incentive Program For Employees

There must be a clear definition of eligibility for an incentive program. The following are typical eligibility requirements:

  • The type of work position (such as production or sales)

  • Duration of employment

  • Classification of work (such as executive or administrative)

  • The objective of incentive

  • Form of payout (such as bonuses, stock, or cash)

Short-term incentive pay plans commonly include:

Annual bonus plan: A compensation plan based on the achievement of particular goals. Expected results are often used as a basis for awarding bonuses early in the performance cycle. On the other hand, Bonuses are largely non-discretionary, although they may include a portion.

Discretionary bonus plan: A bonus scheme in which the size of the bonus pool and the amounts to be distributed to employees following a performance period are determined by management. This strategy is not backed by any guarantees and does not follow any predetermined formula.

Spot awards: Recognize those who make significant contributions to a project or activity, even if they only have a short time to do so.

Profit-sharing plan: Usually, small-scale startups allow employees to partake in the company's profits. The typical plan comprises a fixed, specified formula for assigning profit shares among participants and disbursing cash accrued under the plan. To a certain extent, this varies with each plan.

Gain-sharing schemes: An incentive program that distributes the benefits of increased production to employees as a whole.

Incentives for teams and small groups: Small-group performance-based rewards programs, such as those used in the workplace, are known as team-based rewards. These programs are frequently employed for projects in which the output is difficult to measure.

Bonus for retaining customers: A payment or award given to a key employee during a critical business cycle as an incentive to keep them on the job.

Project bonus: A monetary reward is given to an individual or department for finishing a project ahead of schedule.

Managing Incentive Program For Employees

To effectively administer an incentive pay program, the following five responsibilities must be addressed:

  • Determining the technology required to implement the program, especially the measurement technology.

  • Using measurement methods regularly.

  • Adapting to new situations and challenges.

  • Discussing the initiative with staff and management.

  • The data gathered should be applied to evaluate if the incentive program should be changed midstream or at the terminus.


People who are part of the Incentive Program For Employees often earn significantly more than those who are not. This is especially true in multinational corporations, where the battle for the best personnel with worldwide experience is fierce. This is where BRAVO comes into play!

BRAVO is a one-stop solution to initiate and automate employee recognition and rewards programs. Head to our website to learn more!

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